Saturday, October 10, 2009

Vye Vye for Ishmael

 1.    Just wanted to share a Simchat Torah experience with you.  There is a traditional Simchat Torah poem and song, sung to music, which I had not come across before.  The reason is that I am generally in Ashkenazi synagogues on the holiday and it is a song only to be found in Sephardic prayer books.  The impression it made upon me was largely due to the unabashed political incorrectness in the poem.  It also serves deliciously to put a lie to the myth of the Jews enjoying life as a political minority in the Arab world for centuries.  I do not know when it was written, although it seems quite old from the language and choice of words in it.  Many words are borrowed from traditional prayers. 


   The Hebrew of the poem can be read here:


    I will translate it here but it loses a lot in translation. In particular, the poem is based on an alphabetic play on words.  In each stanza, a positive word is associated with “Israel” and a negative word with “Ishmael,” but starting with the same letter in Hebrew, and following the Hebrew order of the alphabet.  I am assuming you know to whom Ishmael refers in traditional Jewish discourse. 


With Iran threatening to nuke Israel, I think it is a poem worthy of our notice.


Here it is (my translation):


A day of celebration, A day of celebration, A day of celebration for Israel


(A Line)  A day of light for Israel, a day of darkness for Ishmael,

(B Line)  A day of blessing of Israel, a day of panic for Ishmael,

(C Line)  A day of liberation for Israel, a day of exile for Ishmael,

(D Line)  A day of joy for Israel, a day of worry for Ishmael,

(H Line)  A day of glory for Israel, a day of killing for Ishmael,

(V Line)  A day of faithfulness for Israel, a day of “Vye Vye” (Oy Veh ) for Ishmael,

(Z Line)  A day of acquittal for Israel, a day of disrespect for Ishmael,

(CH Line)  A day of clemency for Israel, a day of choking for Ishmael,

(T line)  A day of good for Israel, a day of slaughter for Ishmael,

(Y line)  A day of salvation for Israel, a day of diminution for Ishmael,

(C line)  A day of sustenance for Israel, a day of destruction for Ishmael,

(L line)  A day of heart-felt embracing for Israel, a day of dirtiness for Ishmael,

(M line)  A day of royalty for Israel, a day of death for Ishmael,

(N line)  A day of mercy for Israel, a day of vengeance for Ishmael,

(S line)  A day of forgiveness for Israel, a day of stoning for Ishmael,

(‘Ayin line)  A day of wealth for Israel, a day of poverty for Ishmael,

(P line)  A day of redemption for Israel, a day of dispersal for Ishmael,

(Ts line)  A day of great joy for Israel, a day of screaming for Ishmael,

(K line)  A day of holiness for Israel, a day of broken-ness for Ishmael,

(R line)  A day of mercy for Israel, a day of murdering for Ishmael,

(Sh line)  A day of preservation for Israel, a day of butchering for Ishmael,

(T line)  A day of prayer for Israel, a day of hanging for Ishmael.             


A day of celebration, A day of celebration, A day of celebration for Israel



2.  Well, it did not take long.  It is only a few days since Prof. Ada Yonath won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for her research.  She may be a genius in chemistry but she is a foolish twit in politics, possibly with leftist leanings.   She was not on my radar screen for anti-Israel leftist pronouncements, but she essentially turned the Israeli national celebrations over her winning the Nobel Prize this week into a total Israeli disgrace and sense of shame, all with a single newspaper interview.

   YNET is reporting that Yonath called for a wholesale release of all Palestinian terrorists and murderers in Israeli jails (see,7340,L-3787879,00.html) .  She says that if they were all released, then the Palestinians would just have no reason to kidnap people like Gilad Shalit.  She fails to see that releasing thousands of terrorists will produce the mass murders of tens of thousands of Israelis.  And in fact it would not end terrorist attempts at kidnapping Jews.  

      In other words this genius is a complete dingbat when she speaks about politics.   Compare her political idiocy to the deep seriousness and impressive political sophistication of Prof. Robert Aumann of the Hebrew University, who got the Nobel Prize in economics.   Here is Yonath: “Anyone who is imprisoned in Israel who is not just a criminal but what we refer to as a terrorist, with or without blood on his hands - these definitions too are unclear to me - should not be imprisoned here.  We need to think of ways to ensure that people would not be motivated to kill and get killed."

     Of course, if Israel had capital punishment for terrorism, the terrorists would all be dead and maybe in that case the terrorists would also have no reason to kidnap Israelis?



3.  They may not have finished high school but they understand politics and statecraft better than the Nobel winner:


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