Thursday, February 01, 2007

Pass the Listerine

1. There is an expression in Hebrew for a Freudian slip or verbal
slip, "Kashal B'l'shon", literally "failure by tongue", although it sounds
less dorky in Hebrew.

Red Haim Ramon, one of the worst demagogues in Israel, one of the
initiators of the Oslo debacle, creator of Israel's "National Health
Insurance Law", the guy who dragged Amir Peretz out of the gutter to make
him chief Mafiosi of the Histadrut crime family, that very same Red Haim
Ramon just had his political career ended once and for all by two women
judges and one male judge. For failure by tongue. He was convicted of
sticking his tongue into the mouth of a young lady who was not interested
in its being there.

I would have much preferred that Ramon be convicted for his role in Olso
rather than for his hanky panky. (Ramon was not married at the time of
the incident, unlike the alleged incidents in which President Moshe
Katsav was involved.)

Let us note that the same journalists rolling their eyes in horror over
Ramon's dental exam of an unwilling young woman and over the behavior of
Moshe Katsav are the very same people who preached for years that Bill
Clinton's private behavior was irrelevant and should not interest the
public nor media. And THAT really sticks in my throat!

Frankly, I would like to see what would happen if Haim Ramon stuck his
tongue into Moshe Katsav's mouth, but I let me fantasies get ahead of me.
Forgive my failure by tongue.

Ramon was such an evil person that I would have let him stick his tongue
into MY mouth if that is what it would take to get him convicted.

Pass the Listerine....

2. "Too many Jews" By Joseph Farah
World Net Daily (WND)
January 27, 2007

3. Meet "Dhimmi Jimmy":

4. More French entrepreneurship:

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