Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Ministry of Tourism in Israel Goes Gay

1. The Tribulations of Herr Trivers:
(followup on earlier item)

2. The Latest on Nazi Normie:

3. The front page of Yediot Ahronot, Israel's largest daily, today reports
that Israel's Ministry of Tourism is planning a major campaign to attract
homosexual tourists to Israel. As part of the campaign, the Ministry of
Tourism, whose Minister is from the party of Avigdor Lieberman, will
advertise gay tourism using a large color photo (which appears on the
front page of the paper and can be seen here

showing two men wearing yarmulkas kissing with the Old City of Jerusalem
in the background. The Ministry seems to have gotten its symbols
confused. While both men wear yarmulkas, the one in the foreground is
covered with tattoos. The Torah prohibits tattoos. Come to think of it,
it also prohibits sodomy.

4. The same paper, Yediot, reports that in all of Sderot there is only
one homeless person. He is a mute and deaf. He does not hear the Kassam
rockets that land. SO the municipality gave him a vibrating beeper.
Israel's government is not considering as an alternative to the beeper
turning Gaza into a parking lot.

5. The same paper, Yediot, reports that a professor at Ben Gurion
University is suspected of having arranged for his son to get a PhD from
the same university without having to fulfill the requirements for the
degree. The police have been informed. Of
course, Ben Gurion University has a long history of trashing academic
standards for non-academic reasons, so it is a bit strange seeing the
university suddenly upset when one of its professors is accused of doing
it for his son.

6. A Japanese politician suspected of accepting bribes just committed
suicide. Of course, Japanese politicians have a sense of honor. If
Israeli politicians who take bribes committed suicide, who would be left
to run th egovernment?

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