Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Hebrew University's Tokyo Rose

Jew Conspiracies at Huffington
By David Horowitz | 9/19/2007
It.s apparently the season for revivals of the notorious Protocols of the
Elders of Zion or variations thereof. This is the time worn paranoia that
the Jews, while a miniscule fraction of the world.s population,
nonetheless run it. The unspoken (and unexamined) implication is that the
non-Jewish remainder of the human race is too stupid or too pathetic to
thwart these designs. Obviously center stage in this conspiracy pageant
for the moment is occupied by Walt and Mearsheimer.s new book The Israel
Lobby, which is about the Hebrew puppeteers who pull the strings that make
Bush and Cheney jump, and who also shape the media culture that persuades
them. (Too bad someone forgot to tell the Hollywood Jews to make a film
about Islamo-fascism or one supporting the neo-cons. adventure in Iraq).
But the impressive pervasiveness of this mind-set throughout the .liberal.
political spectrum may be better judged by a column that appeared in
Huffington Post by former FBI agent, former Republican and now Jew sleuth,
Coleen Rowley.

Ms. Rowley.s article is delicately titled .Never Doubt That a Small Group
of Thoughtful, Neo-Cons Can Destroy The World.. Her thesis is
Jew-conspiracy boilerplate: The right wing ruling Likud Party in Israel
wanted a war with innocent, fragile and harmless Iraq. Therefore Likud.s
amen corner in America went to work on the Bushies (and the media) to make
it happen. Citing aleftwing blog authority, Rowley lists the top twelve
neo-cons in America . or .dirty dozen. -- including Wolfowitz, Feith,
Kristol, Perle, Bolton, Podhoretz, Kagan and Ledeen. I have to interject a
personal disclosure here: I did not make the top twelve. But I did make
the .second tier. which includes Joe Lieberman, Charles Krauthammer, John
Podhoretz, Jackie Mason, Ron Silver, Ted Koppel and Ken Pollack.

To explain the list she approvingly quotes from the blogger who provided
it: .Neo-cons are conservative Jewish journalists and politicians linked
to the right-wing Israeli Likud who support United States corporate,
political, cultural and military imperialism with the use of pre-emptive
World War if necessary . to rid themselves of the Muslim Menace.. In other
words, the Great Satan and the Little Satan are out to persecute Muslims
world-wide . and that.s what the war on terror is really about. And the
Little Satan is really the force behind it.

To be fair to Miss Rowley, she makes a half-hearted attempt to qualify the
extreme Jewophobia reflected in the list. According to Rowley it is
.mostly. Jews who are the root of all evil. But .mostly. doesn.t really do
justice to the design of the list: Jackie Mason but not Dennis Miller; Ron
Silver but not Jon Voight; Ted Koppel (Ted Koppel?!) but not Sean Hannity,
David Horowitz but not Christopher Hitchens or Victor Davis Hanson; and
there.s Ken Pollack, a supporter of the surge in Iraq, but not his
co-author Michael O.Hanlon, who qualifies only as his .buddy.. If this
selectivity is not anti-Semitism, what is?

And then there.s the theory. Jews are responsible for the war in Iraq. In
fact, the Likud government was opposed to the war with Iraq, since its
main concern was Iran and Iran.s proxy army Hizbollah situated on Israel.s
northern border. Rowley.s principal concern in writing the article, of
course, is to protect Iran from any Neo-con pressures that would reign in
its genodical, jihadist ambitions. According to Rowley . and this is the
imminent threat -- the Neo-Con.s are revving up a new aggression:
given the ticket this time to first-string and first rate warmonger
Michael Ledeen with his Iranian Time-Bomb book set to hit the airwaves and
newsstands conveniently on the eve of 9/11..

How does Huffington Post come to print this ignorant and toxic garbage? It
does so because it believes it. Of course if a patriotic Jew were to point
out that Rowley and Huffington are merely parroting the propaganda of the
Islamo-fascists themselves, there would be howls of outrage from
progressives everywhere. How dare you question their loyalties in this

2. Fighting the Jihadniks in court:

3. Weapons of Mass Destruction:,7340,L-3451012,00.html

4. Date for Norman Finkelstein?

5. Anti-Israel Hebrew University professor, Victoria Buch, denounces
Israel for "ethnic cleansing" on the leftwing neo-nazi web magazine

"I believe that the final objective of our rulers is to set the stage for
the second Naqba. Otherwise what is the point of the endless goading of
Palestinians into violence? ... These people (Israelis -- SP) are
actually looking forward to the violence. They have their eyes on the
real-estate prize - the West Bank.... Will the ethnic cleansing succeed?
The authors of these policies obviously count on it.... It is likely that
the forthcoming outburst of violence will be initiated by the desperate
and destitute Palestinians; and then, for the umptieth time, our
propaganda machine will be able to present us to the world as victims, and
Palestinians as victimizers. Israeli responses will be presented as
legitimate defensive actions. Later, the history may judge otherwise, but
meanwhile (if the present political constellation persists for a while),
who cares about the Palestinians.... The experience of South Africa
suggests that the apartheid-type system imposed on Palestinians is not
viable in the long run, even if it seems invincible at the beginning....
perhaps most importantly - the Dome of the Rock - the third holiest place
of Islam - is at stake."

Want to tell the Hebrew University officials what you think of Victoria
Buch playing Tokyo Rose for the anti-Semites?
Hebrew University:
President, Rector and Officers:
Friends Associations:

6. Selichos for the Oslo Left

The Israeli and American Jewish supporters of Oslo have been asked to say
special Selichos prayers this year in light of the terrible catastrophes
inflicted upon Israel by the policies they have forced upon the country.
The new Oslo Selichos go something like this:

For the sin we committed when we forced Israel to commit Oslo and assured
the world that Arafat would pursue peace,

Please forgive us.

For the sin we committed when we forced Israel to commit Oslo and assured
the world that Hamas would be more of a threat to the PLO than to Israel,

Please forgive us.

For the sin we committed when we forced Israel to commit Oslo and assured
the Jews that Arafat would fight the Hamas and Islamic Jihad with no
Supreme Court or Betselem (to quote Rabin),

Please forgive us.

For the sin we committed when we forced Israel to commit Oslo and assured
Israel that hostility to Jews in the Arab and the Moslem media would

Please forgive us.

For the sin we committed when we forced Israel to commit Oslo and assured
the Israelis that trade between Israel and Arab countries would flourish,

Please forgive us.

For the sin we committed when we forced Israel to commit Oslo and assured
Israel us that the Palestinian Authority would be disarmed,

Please forgive us.

For the sin we committed when we forced Israel to commit Oslo and assured
Israel that the Palestinian Authority would cooperate strategically with
the Israeli Defense Force,

Please forgive us.

For the sin we committed when we forced Israel to commit Oslo and assured
Israel there would be an economic peace dividend,

Please forgive us.

For the sin we committed when we forced Israel to commit Oslo and assured
Israel that Israeli Arabs would demonstrate increasing moderation due to
the "peace process,.

Please forgive us..

For the sin we committed when we forced Israel to commit Oslo and assured
Israel that the Hamas and Jihad would be persecuted and suppressed by the

Please forgive us.

For the sin we committed when we forced Israel to commit Oslo and assured
Israel that the Palestinian Authority arms would never again be used
against Jews,

Please forgive us.

For the sin we committed when we forced Israel to commit Oslo and assured
Israel that the PLO leadership would speak in terms of peace with the

Please forgive us.

For the sin we committed when we forced Israel to commit Oslo and assured
Israel that the PLO would cease its efforts to delegitimize Zionism and

Please forgive us.

For the sin we committed when we forced Israel to commit Oslo and assured
Israel the PLO would denounce and renounce anti-Semitism, Nazism and
Holocaust Denial,

Please forgive us.

For the sin we committed when we forced Israel to commit Oslo and assured
Israel that the Palestinian Authority would introduce democracy into the
.Palestinian. zones,

Please forgive us.

For the sin we committed when we forced Israel to commit Oslo and assured
Israel that the Palestinian Authority would be forced to spend all its
energies on resolving domestic social and economic problems,

Please forgive us.

For the sin we committed when we forced Israel to commit Oslo and assured
Israel that the US would cease to pressure Israel to endanger its security
and fundamental interests,

Please forgive us.

For the sin we committed when we forced Israel to commit Oslo and assured
Israel that the Europeans would rush forward to support Israel,

Please forgive us.

For the sin we committed when we forced Israel to commit Oslo and assured
Israel that the Japanese and Saudis would pour money into regional
investments, including into Israel,

Please forgive us.

For the sin we committed when we forced Israel to commit Oslo and assured
Israel that the Egyptians would end all animosity towards Israel, Zionism
and Jews,

Please forgive us.

For the sin we committed when we forced Israel to commit Oslo and assured
Israel that the non-Arab Moslem countries would gush friendship for

Please forgive us.

For the sin we committed when we forced Israel to commit Oslo and assured
Israel that Arab military expenditure would drop significantly,

Please forgive us.

For the sin we committed when we forced Israel to commit Oslo and assured
Israel that Arab verbal threats against Israel.s existence would end,

Please forgive us.

For the sin we committed when we forced Israel to commit Oslo and assured
Israel that Nazi-like propaganda in Arab countries would end,

Please forgive us.

For the sin we committed when we forced Israel to commit Oslo and assured
Israel that the Israeli Left would lead the retreat from the Oslo
experiment it if proved to be not working,

Please forgive us.

For the sin we committed when we forced Israel to commit Oslo and assured
Israel that the Palestinian Authority would never turn into a tin-cup
Third-World kleptocracy,

Please forgive us.

For the sin we committed when we forced Israel to commit Oslo and assured
Israel that Jews remaining in Moslem countries would see their treatment
dramatically improved,

Please forgive us.

For the sin we committed when we forced Israel to commit Oslo and assured
Israel that Russia would act as a stabilizing force for peace,

Please forgive us.

For the sin we committed when we forced Israel to commit Oslo and assured
Israel that the majority of .Palestinians. would denounce violence and

Please forgive us.

For the sin we committed when we forced Israel to commit Oslo and assured
Israel that Israel Arabs would cease to support political parties
dedicated to eliminating Israel,

Please forgive us.

For the sin we committed when we forced Israel to commit Oslo and assured
Israel that Arab chants of In Fire and Blood will We Redeem Palestine,
"Death to the Jews", and "Massacre the Jews" would end,

Please forgive us.

For the sin we committed when we assured the world that Oslo would NEVER
lead to demands for negotiations concerning Israeli sovereignty over
Jerusalem, that Israel would never be asked to return
to its 1949 Auschwitz borders, that the Jordan Valley, and Golan Heights
would remain Israel's security borders forever,

Please please please forgive us!!

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