Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Victor Davis Hanson on the New Wave of Anti-Semitism

1. Another excellent article on Finkelstein Revisionism (this one is NOT
by me):

2. Scapegoats yet again
Victor Davis Hanson

September 15, 2007
Who recently said: "These Jews started 19 Crusades. The 19th was World War
I. Why? Only to build Israel." Some holdover Nazi?
Hardly. It was former Prime Minister Necmettin Erbakan of Turkey, a NATO
ally. He went on to claim that the Jews . whom he refers to as "bacteria"
. controlled China, India and Japan, and ran the United States.
Who alleged: "The Arabs who were involved in September 11 [2001]
cooperated with the Zionists, actually. It was a cooperation. They gave
them the perfect excuse to denounce all Arabs." A conspiracy nut?
Actually, it was former Democratic U.S. Sen. James Abourezk of South
Dakota. He denounced Israel on a Hezbollah-owned television station,
adding: "I marveled at the Hezbollah resistance to Israel.... It was a
marvel of organization, of courage and bravery."
And finally, who claimed at a U.N.-sponsored conference that democratic
Israel was "much worse" than the former apartheid South Africa and that it
"undermines the international community's reaction to global warming"? A
radical environmentalist wacko? Again, no. It was Clare Short, a member of
the British Parliament and Tony Blair's international development
A new virulent strain of the old anti-Semitism is spreading worldwide.
This hate . of a magnitude not seen in more than 70 years . is not just
espoused by Iran's loony president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, or radical
jihadists. The latest anti-Semitism is also now mouthed by world leaders
and sophisticated politicians and academics. Their loathing often
masquerades as "anti-Zionism" or "legitimate" criticism of Israel. But the
venom exclusively reserved for the Jewish state betrays existential
Israel is always lambasted for entering homes in the West Bank to look for
Hamas terrorists and using too much force. But last week the world snoozed
when the Lebanese army bombarded and then crushed the Nahr al-Bared
refugee camp, which harbored Islamic terrorists.
The world has long objected to Jewish settlers buying up land in the West
Bank. Yet Hezbollah, flush with Iranian money, is now purchasing large
tracts in southern Lebanon for military purposes and purging them of
Here at home, "neoconservative" has become synonymous with a supposed
Jewish cabal of Washington insiders who hijacked U.S. policy to take us to
war for Israel's interest. That our State Department is at the mercy of a
Jewish lobby is the theme of a recent high-profile book by professors at
Harvard University and the University of Chicago.
Yet when the United States bombed European and Christian Serbia to help
Balkan Muslims, few critics claimed American Muslims had unduly swayed
President Clinton. And charges of improper ethnic influence are rarely
used to explain the billions in American aid given to nondemocratic Egypt,
Jordan or the Palestinians . or the Saudi oil money that pours into U.S.
The world likewise displays such a double standard. It seems to care
little about the principle of so-called occupied land . whether in Cyprus
or Tibet . unless Israel is the accused. Mass murdering in Cambodia, the
Congo, Rwanda and Darfur has earned far fewer United Nations' resolutions
of condemnation than supposed atrocities committed by Israel. A number of
British academics are sponsoring a boycott of Israeli scholars but leave
alone those from autocratic Iran, China and Cuba.

There are various explanations for the new anti-Semitism. For many abroad,
attacking Jews and Israel is an indirect way of damning its main ally, the
United States . by implying Americans are not entirely evil, just
hoodwinked by those sneaky and far more evil Jews.

At home, there are obvious pragmatic considerations. Some Americans may
find it makes more sense to damn a few million Israelis without oil than
it does to offend Israel's adversaries in the Middle East, who number in
the hundreds of millions and control nearly half the world's petroleum

Cowardice explains a lot. Libeling Israel won't earn someone a fatwa or a
death sentence in the manner comparable criticism of Islam might. There
are no Jewish suicide bombers in London, Madrid or Bali. This new face of
anti-Semitism is so insidious because it is so well disguised, advanced by
self-proclaimed diplomats and academics . and now embraced by the
supposedly sophisticated left on university campuses.
When national, collective or personal aspirations are not met, it is far
easier to blame someone or something rather than to look within for the
source of the failure and frustration. More recently, someone must be
blamed for getting terrorists (with oil and its profits behind them) mad
at us.
That someone is . no surprise . once again Jews.
Victor Davis Hanson is a nationally syndicated columnist and a classicist
and historian at Stanford University's Hoover Institution and author of "A
War Like No Other: How the Athenians and Spartans Fought the Peloponnesian

3. A New Anti-Semitism Takes Root on Campus
By Asaf Romirowski
The Jewish Exponent
September 13, 2007

4. The UN and the Pestilianians

5. Jihad at Kent State:

6. Leftist Bill Maher attacks the conspiracy nuts:

7. Axis of Evil:

8. Goobers hates Dem Joos:

9. The Left, the Media and the Courts:

10. The hatred behind the .Divestment. Lobby:

11. Last word on Finkelstein affair:

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