Thursday, January 17, 2008

Israel Leftist Collaborating with Holocaust Deniers

Israel Leftist Collaborating with Holocaust Deniers (see web page
for links)

Gilad Atzmon is not exactly a household name in Israel. He is an Israeli
ultra-leftist who lives in England, where he works as a saxophone player.
He is also one of the worst anti-Semites on the planet. He is on record
calling for burning down synagogues. He is so openly anti-Semitic that
most British anti-Semites and anti-Zionists want nothing to do with him
and consider him an embarrassment. When some British Trotskyites invited
Atzmon to toot his horn at their event, they were loudly denounced by
other members of the British moonbatocracy. Atzmon is widely considered to
be a Holocaust Denier, and openly insists that the world needs MORE
Holocaust Deniers. He proclaims the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" to
be factual and reliable. So naturally the leftwing Neo-Nazi web magazine
Counterpunch adores him and runs him and his fulltime Italian Neo-Nazi

Now the media in Germany this week are buzzing about the conviction of one
Sylvia Stolz for Holocaust Denial. She had been the lawyer for convicted
Neo-Nazi and Holocaust Denier Ernst Zendel, who was jailed in Germany
after being deported from Canada. DW-World reports:

'Judges in the western city of Mannheim sentenced lawyer Sylvia Stolz to
three and a half years in prison on charges that include inciting racial
hatred, and barred her from practicing law for five years. Stolz made the
remarks in 2006 while representing "historian" Ernst Z.ndel, who was
handed a five-year prison term in Germany last February for repeatedly
disputing the Holocaust as a historical fact. The 44-year-old also signed
a motion during Z.ndel's trial with "Heil Hitler" and shouted that the lay
judges deserved the death penalty for "offering succour to the enemy" --
leading the court to dismiss her."

Atzmon played a crucial role in the trial of Stolz. She 'read a newspaper
article to the court about the appearance of world renowned Israeli
artist, Gilad Atzmon in Bochum. In a public statement, Atzmon is quoted as
having said that the written history of the Second World War and the
Holocaust are a .complete forgery, initiated by Americans and Zionists..'

Even more details appear on the Holocaust Denial web site based in
Australia, run by the so-called "Adelaide Institute," arguably the worst
Neo-Nazi group on the planet. Its site praises Atzmon and reports:

'A total revision of history worldwide is beginning as an insurrection
against Jewish world dominance. As a result of this, the demand of the
German Reich for reinstatement of its ability to function will be
acknowledged. The realization of historical revision will then be
inevitable. A few days ago, on 27 November 2005, Gilad Atzmon introduced
the most radical blow that has as yet been struck against the political
indoctrination forced on us. This is to be found in Exhibit No. 1 .
Because he is himself a Jew and highly esteemed worldwide, his words carry
especial weight. In his appeal to the Germans he is quoted as follows: .In
Israel, one is imprisoned if one disagrees with official opinion.. This is
particularly true with regard to the past. In his books, Gilad Atzmon
attempts to .rearrange this past.. He describes the historiography of the
Second World War and Holocaust, so familiar to us, as a complete
falsification invented by Zionists and Americans. He shows that the real
enemy was not Hitler but Stalin. The Germans must finally realize this and
stop feeling guilty -- and above all, to stop feeling responsible. .It is
You who are the victims. Atzmon says. He reminds the Germans that the
bombing attacks on German cities took place because the Americans had
plenty of bombs and wanted to use them; the same happened in Vietnam and
now in Afghanistan and Iraq. He reiterates that the true evildoers of our
time are George W. Bush, Tony Blair and Ariel Sharon. (Source:
Ruhrnachrichten (News of the Ruhr,) Bochum, Tuesday, November 29, 2005

'The breach opened by Gilad Atzmon makes it possible to get a new
understanding of what Konrad Adenauer, the first Federal Chancellor of the
Federal Republic of Germany, related in his Memoirs - Exhibit No. 6 -
about the physical genocide against the German people in 1945....A few
days after Atzmon's statement, a second powerful blow struck the Holocaust
religion. In Mecca, the most important pilgrimage site in the Muslim
world, the Iranian head of state Ahmadineschad publically acknowledged
that he is a holocaust denier and proposed a highly logical solution to
the Jewish question.'

Finally, it is worth noting that an Israeli need not be a leftist to
collaborate with the Neo-Nazi Adelaide Institute and indeed one is the
star of their web site. Conspiracy "inventor" Barry Chamish, best known
for composing fictional "theories" about the Rabin assassination and for
his "discoveries" concerning UFOs, regularly publishes his "articles" on
the Adelaide Institute Holocaust Denial web site. So Atzmon has good
company there.

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