Friday, August 01, 2008

Cover Up at Hebrew University!!!

The tale of the Hebrew University rapist professor of sociology, Eyal Ben-Ari (see the next blog item below) continues to gather steam. So far, no one in the mainstream media in Israel has taken note of the fact that he was in fact also the supervisor of that "Non-Rape Means Racism" thesis. In any case, it is now emerging that a big part of the real story here is yet another coverup by the heads of the Hebrew University. It is not the first cover-up – see this.

The women who were abused, molested and raped by the good professor, a leading member of the Tenured Left at the Hebrew University, had filed detailed complaints about him to Hebrew University campus authorities. In a long expose in Maariv today (August 1), alas – not on their web site, the paper reproduces a letter that was sent to the Dean of Social Sciences at the Hebrew University. It was suppressed and ignored. The chiefs at the Hebrew University circles their wagons around their comrade, the rapist professor. Interestingly, Maariv also mentions the fact that Ben-Ari bought a vibrator and charged it to university research funds. (I am starting to wonder whether I am in the wrong discipline, being an economist. We never get to buy fun stuff with and of OUR research funds!)

Maariv reports that two of the female students of Ben-Ari had nervous collapses and one of them was hospitalized. Maariv claims that Ben-Ari made it clear to all his female students that, er, let us say - "pillowing with him" was a prerequisite for getting him to sponsor them as research students. That being the case, inquiring minds would like to know more details about the relationship with Ben-Ari of Tal Nitsan, the student who wrote that infamous thesis claiming Jewish soldiers do not rapoe Arab women because the Jews are such racists.

Haaretz is also doing a good job at exposing the story even though the perp is a member of the Tenured Left. In English see this. See also this piece about the professor's research vibrator.

To tell the Hebrew University heads what you think of all this, contact:

President of the Hebrew University
Prof. Menachem Magidor
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Mt. Scopus, Jerusalem 91905
Tel. 02-6584143, 02-5881905
Fax. 02-5811023

Rector of the Hebrew University
Prof. Haim Rabinowitch
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Mt. Scopus, Jerusalem 91905
Tel. 02-5882920, 02-5882919
Fax. 02-5811023

Hebrew University "Friends of" Offices listed here

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