Monday, August 18, 2008

Latest Updates from Isracampus:

1. From Isracampus:
Bad Manners at the Hebrew University
Joel Fishman
8 August 2008
Translation of original Hebrew version that appeared in Makor Rishon

On Thursday afternoon, July 31, I attended the graduation ceremony which
took place in Mexico Hall of the Hebrew University on Mount Scopus in
Jerusalem. At this medium-sized gathering, the Faculty of Humanities of
the University awarded diplomas to students who had successfully completed
the Master of Arts degrees. When I came to this event I was looking
forward to a pleasantly but slightly dull afternoon.

At the beginning of the ceremony, the public was asked to stand for
Hatikvah, the national anthem. While the audience was singing, I turned
around and saw something incongruous. Several rows behind me, sat a group
of students who by their body language and defiant looks communicated that
they chose to distance themselves from the public. These were Arab
students. For the sake of honesty and truth, I must add that I learned
afterward that this group was not entirely representative, because there
were some Arab students who did stand for Hatikvah.

Although I had heard reports of this type of offensive behavior on the
part off minority students at Yom Ha'Shoah commemoration ceremonies at the
University, this experience was new to me. Had I not seen it myself, I
would not have raised subject. Therefore, I apologize in advance if I
refuse to pass over this incident in silence. Although many Israelis hope
for understanding between Jews and Arabs, nothing good can come from an
environment of incivility and hatred. Please do not dismiss my first
person account by calling me a right-wing extremist, a reactionary, a
racist, a fascist, a Nazi, an "Enemy of the Peace," or "a friend of
Hamas." I am none of the above and refuse to be intimidated by those who
resort to totalitarian epithets. What happened at the University is a
legitimate subject for discussion.

The first logical question to ask is: what message did these individuals
wish to convey? Basically, there are two levels of meaning. First of all,
they publicly expressed their contempt for a national symbol, in this
case, the national anthem Hatikvah. Secondly, they openly demonstrated
their contempt for the general public whose feelings they were bound to
offend. It was a calculated affront. It is not that these people did not
know how to behave; through their actions they chose to transmit a
provocative and hostile message to their hosts and to the audience.

Although in all likelihood I shall not meet the offending individuals
again, I still wish to send a response. This gesture is an example of bad
manners. People who behave offensively have no place in good company. They
belong on the street. If I entered a Church, I would take off my hat. If I
went to a mosque, I would remove my shoes. When, for example, President
Bush recently visited Jerusalem, the audience stood respectfully through
both the American and Israeli national anthems. It is a simple question of
common sense and mutual respect. Jews have a term for this tasteful and
considerate behavior, derech eretz.

Participating in rituals of social graciousness is not necessarily an
expression of friendship or closeness. Such rituals of civility and
politeness ease social contacts and make relations easier for all
concerned. There may be Israelis who would not care to have Arabs in their
midst, but the Hebrew University received all of its guests hospitably.
Furthermore, the University has gone to great lengths to accommodate the
Arab minority. No one asks these students to show gratitude for the fine
educational opportunities they have been given. They do not have to become
Zionists, and, if they don't care for us, that's fine too. But there is
simply no justification for crude and illmannered behavior.

There is another way of looking at the matter. Several decades ago, Uri
Loubrani, David Ben Gurion's advisor on Arab affairs, made a statement
which was considered to be particularly unenlightened. He declared that
"It might have been better if there were no Arab university students. If
they remained hewers of wood it might have been easier to control them."
Although his message was disagreeable, Loubrani made an important point.
The well-educated malcontents are the most dangerous because they can do
far more harm. They will lead the war against the State and seek regime
change. In contrast, terrorists and bulldozer drivers cause less damage.

Therefore, we must ask: what possible interest does Israel have in
producing more of these academic malcontents . like those who were so
badly out of place in Mexico Hall -- and arming them with the intellectual
weapons they need to wage war against the State of Israel and Israeli

Dr. Joel Fishman is a Fellow of a research center in Jerusalem.

2. Let us hope this is for real:

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