Wednesday, October 29, 2008
On the Occasion of the Retirement of Yossi Beilin from Politics
mean, from his political career, I thought the time apt for reprinting
The sun did not shine.
It was too wet to play.
So they sat in Geneva
With murderers all day.
And then
We connected the dots!
How those dots made us plotz!
We looked!
Could not believe the nerve of the brat!
We looked!
And we saw it!
The Brat with no Hat!
And he said to us,
'We're gonna make peace just like that!'
I know it is dumb
And this brat is not funny.
When he mails us this treason, using lots of bad money!
'I know some appeasements we can play,'
Said the brat.
'I know some new tricks,'
Said the Brat with no Hat.
'Capitulations, to terrorists true,
Your mother,
Will be blown to bits when we do.'
Then you and I
Did not know what to word.
We were tongue tied and forlorn, when we read the 'accord.'
But our lemmings said, 'No! No!
We can make the war go away!
'Just tell all them settlers that they just cannot stay
They should not be there.
They should not be about.
They should not be around
When the bombers come out!'
'Now! Now! Have no fear.
Have no fear!' said the brat.
'My accords are not bad,'
Said the Brat with no Hat.
'Why, we can have
Lots of fun, yes we shall,
With a game that I call
Send the Guns to the Pals!'
'Stop the deaths!' cried the Jews.
'Stop, stop, we see red!
'Reverse course!' said the Jews.
'Before we're all dead!'
'Have no fear!' said the brat.
'When have I been wrong?
'Their right of return should be implemented 'fore long,
With a pen in my hand!
And sly tricks up my sleeve!
That is not ALL I have done!
Just go and ask Steve.
'Look at me!
Look at me now!' said the brat.
'With a terrorist deal
I've pulled out of my hat!
I can set up TWO states!
One for them and one more!
Two states for two peoples!
And thereafter war!
And look!
I can hop up and down on the law!
But that is not all!
Oh, no.
That is not all...
'Look at me!
Look at me!
Look at me NOW!
It is fun to surrender
But you have to know how.
And look! With my arm
I can hold a red flag!
To promote my agenda
With that Aloni hag!
But that is not all.
Oh, no.
That is not all....
That is what the brat said...
Kassem rockets dead ahead!
And you and I,
We saw ALL the bombs fall!
'Now look what you did!'
Said the Jews to the brat.
'You gave them a state!
How could you do that?
You sank our own state,
Sank it deep in the mud.
You set them up armed
And sank us in blood.
You SHOULD NOT be here,
When common sense you have not.
You get out of this house!'
Said the Jews to the sot.
'But I like to be here.
Oh, I like it a lot!'
Said the Brat with no Hat
To the Jews on the spot.
'I will NOT go away.
I do NOT wish to go!
And so,' said the Brat with no Hat, So So So...
I will show you
Another good game that I know!.
And then he ran out.
And, then, fast as a fox,
He flew to Geneva and
came back with a box.
A treasonous box.
To be sold hook or crook.
'Now look at this deal,'
Said the brat.
'Take a look!'
'I will impose my will.
On the Jews, otherwise.
I will force upon them to submit to demise.'
The Jews and I
did not know what to do.
So we had to shake hands
with Thing One and Thing Two.
We shook Yassir's paw.
While our minds said, 'No! No!'
Those Things should not be,
In this land! Make them go!
'They should not be here,
When they shoot at us guns!
Put them out! Put them out!'
Said the Jews of the bums.
'Have no fear, little Jews,'
said the Brat with no Hat.
'These Things are good Things.'
And he gave them a pat.
'They are tame. Oh, so tame!
They have come here to play.
They will give you some peace
On this bright Oslo day.'
2. There is no such thing as "same-sex marriage":
3. For Academic freedom: