Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Urgent - Take Action - Ben Gurion University "Academic" Serving as Accomplice for Tehran Holocaust Deniers

Sorry to bother you in the middle of Chometz cleaning, but there is an
urgent matter. If you cannot spare a few minutes for this before
Passover, please help out during Chol Hamoed:

Ben Gurion University "Academic" Serving as Accomplice for Tehran
Holocaust Deniers

Neve Gordon is the anti-Semitic lecturer in political science, the
democracy hater who suppresses freedom of speech of his students, who
attempted to suppress my own freedom of speech when I pointed out that he
is a groupie of Holocaust Denier Norman Finkelstein (and he failed), the
pseudo-academic who built a career at Ben Gurion University mainly by
turning out anti-Israel hate propaganda, the columnist for anti-Semitic
media from the Neo-Nazi Counterpunch magazine to (for report
. see
). Gordon's "academic record" strongly resembles that of his guru Norman
Finkelstein. Gordon is so openly anti-Semitic that his materials are
published by Neo-Nazi and Holocaust Denial web sites (see ).

That same Neve Gordon has a new job - bashing Israel as a columnist for
the Tehran Times. Yes, Gordon is openly the accomplice of the Holocaust
Denying mullahs of Iran threatening Israel with nuclear annihilation.
See his latest exercising in anti-Semitism here:

Gordon now has the distinction of being one of the only people born Jewish
on the planet openly collaborating with the Holocaust Deniers of Tehran
(in good company with the Neturei Karta mentals). Gordon currently serves
as the head of the department of political science at Ben Gurion
University. The university's president, Prof. Rivka Carmi, has repeatedly
endorsed and celebrated Gordon's anti-Israel hate propaganda as "serious
and distinguished research into human rights."

Please take a few minutes and tell the heads of Ben Gurion University what
you think of this:

Rivka Carmi, President
P.O. Box 653, Beer-Sheva, 84105, Israel,
Tel: 972-8-6461211/9
Fax: 972-8-6472991

Prof. Jimmy Weinblatt, Rector
P.O. Box 653, Beer-Sheva, 84105, Israel
Tel: 972-8-6461223
Fax: 972-8-6479434
Other officers listed here:
University "Friends of" Offices outside Israel are listed here:

Please also file a complaint with
Minister of Education
The Honorable Gideon Sa'ar
FAX 972-2-6753525
Minister of Education
Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports
Kiryat Ben Gurion, Jerusalem
Cc: Shalomit Amichai, Director General of the Ministry -
Additional Email:
Tel 972-2-6408131

The Council for Higher Education in Israel
(governmental body that funds and supervises Israeli universities and
Prof. Shlomo Grossman
Planning & Budgeting Committee Chairman
Council for Higher Education
P.O.B. 4037, Jerusalem 91040, Israel
Tel: 02-5679911
Fax: 02-5679969

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