Sunday, June 21, 2009

Suppression, Violence, Anti-Jewish Apartheid and Cover-Up at the University of Haifa


Sunday, June 21, 2009

Violence, Anti-Jewish Apartheid and Cover-Up at the University of Haifa


The Jihad Sheikh with his minions at the University of Haifa
Well, things were already looking disgraceful and
enough for the University of Haifa, thanks to the
approval of the heads of the university to allow
the Jihad Sheikh,
Salah, the head of the Islamofascist movement
among Israeli Moslems, to speak on campus this
past week. The Jihad Sheikh there called for Arab
students to become "shaheed martyrs," code for
suicide bombers. Moreover, the university had
also given official instructions to the guards
present to prevent Jewish students from entering
the lecture hall in which the Jihad Sheikh was
speaking. The Jewish student protesters present
described the behavior of the guards, following
university instructions, as the conducting of a
"selection" (the name for the separation out of
Jews done by the Germans). But then the
university got itself in even deeper when it
issued a statement that denied altogether that
the Jewish students had been barred from entering
the lecture hall or that the university officials
had given any such instructions to the guards.
That statement can be
<>read here
in Hebrew: It says explicitly that Jews were NOT barred from entering.

Except they were. The university is for all
intents and purposes trying to cover up the
disgrace of ordering that the lecture hall for
the terrorist Salah be kept judenrein. Numerous
media outfits, including those with leftist
leanings, have confirmed that Jewish students
were barred from entering. Eyewitness reports
also confirm this. And the very same disingenuous
statement by the university DENYING that Jewish
students were barred from entering the hall then
goes on to explain why it was necessary to keep
them out: to avoid violence and confrontation
inside the lecture hall. Of course violence and
confrontation could also have been avoided by
preventing the Jihad Sheikh from entering the
campus in the first place and also by giving his
student hosts the bum's rush straight to the Gaza
Strip. The university statement says that the
university had no legal choice but to allow the
Sheikh to address the Arab students on campus
facilities. This is also a lie. Not only did the
university have a choice, but – given the
Sheikh's call for terrorism and violence in his
speech – the university had a legal OBLIGATION to
bar him from campus and may have broken the law
by allowing him to engage in incitement to violence in the campus.

But now, the most damning report of all appears
in the Haifa weekly Zman Haifa June 19, 09, page
20. In its news report by its education reporter
Orna Nirenfeld the weekly not only confirms that
the guards were under university orders to
prevent Jewish students from entering the lecture
hall in which the Jihad Sheikh was calling for
the murder of Jews, but the Jewish protesters
near the hall were also assaulted and beaten by
the guards in their efforts to keep the lecture
hall judenrein. One student describes how women
wearing headscarves and men with Arab-looking
features were being waved through while anyone
obviously Jewish was being stopped and were
physically being pushed away from the entrance by
over-zealous guards. Among the students violently
beaten by the guards was Shlomo Variett, head of
the "Lavi" student organization on campus.

The Jewish students barred from entering the hall
held their own noisy protest against the Jihad
Sheikh outside the hall, waving Israeli flags and
singing Hatikva. One ultra anti-Israel professor
at the University of Haifa, Micah Leshem of
psychology, demanded that the University take
disciplinary action against the JEWISH counter-protesters!!


Jewish student criminals against whom University
of Haifa "academic" demands disciplinary action.

To whom can you complain?

University of Haifa:

President of the University of Haifa

Prof. Aaron Ben-Ze'ev

University of Haifa

Mt Carmel, 31905 Haifa Israel

Tel: 972-4-8240101

Fax: 972-4-8240281

E-mail: <>

Rector of the University of Haifa

Prof. Yossi Ben-Artzi

University of Haifa

Mt Carmel, 31905 Haifa Israel

Tel: 972-4-8240405

Fax: 972-4-8342101

Email: <>

Chairman of the Board of Governors

Mr. Leon Charney

Law Office of Leon H. Charney

Broadway 1441

New York, NY 10018

Phone: 212-819-0994

E-mail: <>

University "Friends of" Offices Outside Israel
are listed here:

2. Time for us to take a

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