Friday, July 16, 2010
Israeli Generals working for the First Bank of Terrorism
1. For more than 15 years, a branch of the American Jewish assimilationist far Left has been lobbying on behalf of jailed terrorist Lori Berenson. The Lori in question has been serving a 20 sentence in Peru for joining Peru's Maoist terrorist organization and serving as an accomplice for their local mass-murdering. When Lori got herself arrested, her parents, who also Marxists, went on a campaign to recruit American Jewish liberals to defend and promote the "cause" of Lori. They even got Elie Wiesel to sign their support statements. The main group promoting Lori was the far-leftist "Religious Action Center," of the Refiorm synagogue movement, led by "Rabbi" David Saperstein. See this: This is the same Reform synagogue's leftist SWAT team that never seems to have much to say about defending Israel's right to use arms against terrorism.
Anyway, Lori just got paroled after serving 15 of her 20 years. See:
She has to remain in Peru for another 5 years under the parole, something for which all of us other than the Peruvians should be grateful. Lori is an American Tali Fahima, a Jewish Jihad Jane, a Rachel-Corrie-like collaborator with terror. Had circumstances differed slightly, she could have just as easily been out there helping the Hamas plan suicide bombings of Israelis.
I have been following the campaign of the Reform synagogue movement's assimilationist liberals to support Lori Berenson. See this: I have long believed that the Jewish community should call upon Peru to keep her jailed.
Here are some other earlier web items about this case:
Subject: Lori's Match
Yesterday, 10/24/2003, a Palestinian terrorist with an explosives belt on blew
himself to hell when the detonator went off "pre-maturely".
Like the nazi who blew up the Maxim restaurant in Haifa a couple of weeks
back, this terrorist was a lawyer. Speaking of terrorist lawyers....
I have in the past devoted several postings to the Loony Lori Lobby,
the lobbyists for convicted Stalinist terrorist Lori Berenson. Lori is the
daughter of two Jewish NY Marxies who went down to Peru to enlist in the
communist terrorist brigades there and is rotting in an Andes prison. The
assimilationist Jewish liberals (asslibs) of the US have enlisted on her
behalf, including the Reform movement's Religious Action Center (David
Saperstein presiding), lots of other libs, and even Elie Wiesel.
Had Lori not been busted in Peru, I suspect she would today be out
there trying to replicate ISM and Rachel Corrie's adventures in blocking
Israel's attempts to fight its terrorists.
Well, it seems Lori wants to get married to a terrorist, who is not
Jewish, but is a lawyer. Read on:
Terrorist Wedding
By Michael Radu | October 24, 2003
Are American (especially American-born) citizens who are members of
terrorist organizations abroad entitled to special (i.e. American-style)
treatment, at a time when the United States demands all countries to choose
between being with us or against us in the war on terrorism?
Lori Berenson thinks so. The 34-year-old New Yorker, who is serving 20
years in a Peruvian prison on terrorism charges, criticizes the authorities
for keeping her groom from the wedding they just recently arranged. The
groom, Anbal Apari, a 40-year-old "law student" recently released from
prison after serving 12-1/2 years of a 15-year sentence as a member of the
Castroite Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement (MRTA), was represented by his
father, since the authorities did not permit him to leave Lima.
Very moving, indeed, at least in the Manhattan circles in which her
progressive and vocal parents, both academics, move. They joined their
?persecuted? daughter in protesting that the groom was unable to
participate in the happy event.
The newly wedded Mrs. Apari, a former MIT student, has a romantic penchant
for terrorists. Apari is her second husband. Her first was another
?idealistic? Marxist gunfighter she met in El Salvador, who later left her.
She arrived in Peru and rented a home with Panamanian MRTA member Pacifico
Castrellon, who later testified against her.
The Berenson case is a study of everything wrong with American mentalities,
including wrong-headed Congressional behavior, at least prior to 9/11.
Arrested in 1995 on charges of collaborating on a planned MRTA seizure of
Congress - she had used questionable U.S. press credentials to gain access to
Peru's Congress - she was tried for treason and given a life sentence by
Peru's military courts under then President Alberto Fujimori. Average
Peruvians, weary of terrorism, were unanimously unsympathetic to her cause,
but American and international human rights groups succeeded in obtaining a
new civilian trial, which was held in June 2001. For this trial, she had
the charges reduced to terrorism, which carried a lesser minimum sentence,
even though she has consistently maintained that MRTA is revolutionary, not
terrorist. On these charges she received a 20-year sentence.
Following the first verdict, Berenson shared the same uncomfortable prison
in the Andes as others MRTA and Shining Path members, except that she had
weekly visits and comfortable help from the U.S. embassy. Later, she was
moved to a lowland prison, where she is free to communicate with family and
write nonsensical screeds, which are immediately posted at her parents?
website. (Peruvian prisoners, especially terrorists, barely have access to
outside food or family contacts, let alone the ability to communicate with
the world at large.)
Berenson complains about the prison conditions, but she was and is able to
finish her sentence in U.S. jails. She has refused to do this out of
solidarity with her MRTA. She remains a terrorist, a totalitarian and
ideological dinosaur: a Stalinist/Castroist long after even committed
communists departed from solidarity with Fidel & Co.
The MRTA was founded during the 1980s by the kind of people with whom
Berenson was comfortable. The leader, Victor Polay Campos, was son of a
senator, brother of a congressional candidate, and roommate of future
President Alan Garcia at the Sorbonne. Originally, MRTA was a faction of
Garcia's Popular American Revolutionary Alliance, which is still Peru's
best-organized political party, with Garcia well placed to win the next
presidential election. At no time more than a few hundred strong, it
engaged in spectacular kidnappings of businessmen, keeping its victims in
narrow holes in the ground, where they sometimes died of starvation. It
assassinated military personnel--usually retired ones, who made easier
targets. In desperation, in 1996 it undertook its largest operation ever,
taking hundreds of hostages at a ball at the Japanese ambassador's
residence (this after the Congress operation Berenson was involved in, up
to drawing the building's floor plans and giving her rented house to the
MRTA for planning, was thwarted).
The December 1996 operation ended up badly for Berenson?s MRTA friends. All
the hostages were released following a commando operation, and all the
kidnappers were killed. But, she was still "different," born in Manhattan,
a fashionable "professional revolutionary" - with many friends - including
some at the New York Times. Few congressmen were informed, or cared, about
what she did in South America. Before 9/11, more than 100 members of
Congress, Republicans included, signed letters to the Clinton and then the
Bush White House, demanding special treatment for Berenson. But this died
down after John Lindh and other U.S. citizens demonstrated that there is a
problem with Americans training abroad for terrorism. September 11 was, for
Berenson, a worse defeat than her arrest. Americans started learning and
stopped sympathizing with fellow Americans who were involved in murdering
strangers in exotic places.
So now Berenson is again "married" to a fellow terrorist and expects to be
treated preferentially - not, she says, because she is American, but
because of some "universal human right"? to the pursuit of happiness.
Peruvians, even under the present confused and weak government of Alejandro
Toledo, object to this and remain unmoved the persistent demands of a
gringa who sought to kill their countrymen.
Ultimately, the "wedding"? of a convicted terrorist and a paroled one -
neither of whom has expressed any regret for their actions - seems yet
another attempt to "humanize"? them and make us forget their shared past.
Apari's comment that "People understand that Lori and I are human beings
and like everybody else we have every right to make a life, to find
happiness and love" seems not much different than the Free Lori website's
assertions that Lori "could be anyone's daughter, raised by caring,
intelligent parents." It is not going to work in Peru and it should not
work in post-9/11 America, either.
Westerners have obtained a habit in joining murderous terrorist groups in
the Third World, without renouncing their citizenship. Germans in Turkish
Kurdistan, Americans in Latin America, and Britons in Israel or Afghanistan
who kill or help others kill seem confident that they can expect assistance
from their embassies or bleeding-heart NGOs if their actions land them in
hot water. But Western governments cannot give these terrorists special
rights just because the victims are non-Westerners, nor can they expect
other nations to assist in the war on terrorism if their own citizens are
exempted from prosecution. There is no legal, moral, or political reason to
take seriously Berenson's incessant demands for yet another trial, or for
American terrorists abroad to be given any more rights than those we would
be prepared to give the foreign terrorists whom we want in our custody.
Michael Radu is Senior Fellow and Co - Chair, Center on Terrorism and
Counterterrorism, at the Foreign Policy Research Institute in Philadelphia.
2. Iranian birth control:,7340,L-3920528,00.html
3. If Israel is ever exterminated, historians will no doubt spend much of their time pointing out the role of Israelis who prostituted themselves on behalf of terrorism in explaining it. And among some of the worst party girls on behalf of terrorism these days are some Israeli ex-army generals.
A major court case is now underway in New York State against the "Arab Bank," accused of funding Hamas and Jihad terrorism, which caused at least a thousand murders. A group of more than 1000 family members of people murdered by the terrorists, Americans and Israelis, filed the class action suit. The Arab Bank is believed to have transferred money to groups of Palestinian terrorist groups and also to groups affiliated with al-Qaeda.
The lawyers for the Arab Bank decided to bring a group of Israeli military officers as witnesses for the defense - including three retired generals: Uri Sagie, Ilan Paz and Avi Kostlitz, the last one having once been a section chief in the Shin Bet. These three decided to walk the New York streets for the terrorist bank and will testify on its behalf in exchange for large bundles of cash.
Since all three have been retired for a while, none is really in any authoritative position even to know the truth about the involvement of the Bank in funding terrorism. Israel's Ministry of Defense and army brass are cited in Yediot Ahronot July 15, 2010 as insisting the bank is guilty, and in knowing the Bank is up to its ears involved in terror. In 2004 the Israeli army captured documents showing the Bank had moved globs of money to the bank accounts of terrorist groups. Later the army issued a letter saying that it was not planning to prosecute the Bank on the basis of THOSE documents seized. But the army never ruled out prosecuting the Bank for its terror ties using other evidence. The bank's shysters and their witnesses are trying to claim that this early letter somehow exonerated this First Bank of Terror.
The New York court has been demanding documents from the Bank about its terrorist connections and the Bank has been stonewalling. The judge in the case, Nina Gershon, recently instructed the jury that they are permitted to interpret the Bank's stonewalling as evidence that the Bank is indeed involved with terrorism. For details, see this: The Bank is claiming privilege and obligations to its clients not to disclose. How comforting to know that the Bank is respecting the privacy of Osama bin Laden.
No matter – the defense lawyers are already arguing that the Bank MUST be innocent because otherwise Israel would never "let" "its" generals testify on behalf of the Bank. Of course Israel is not "letting" the generals do anything. But the damage is already there.