Friday, December 24, 2010

A Fast Thought before Shabbat

Back in the bad old days of early Oslo in teh 90s, Rabin invented a
slogan to serve as the Oslo mantra. It was based on the old Ben
Gurion mantra from the 1940s, about how the Jewish Yishuv in Zion
would fight Hitler as if there were no White Paper (the British
document that prevented Jewish refugees migrating to the Land of
Israel) and would fight the White Paper as if there were no Hitler.

Rabin altered this to be: We will fight for peace as if there is no
terrorism, and we will fight terrorism as if there is no peace

The same slogan was used by Ehud Barak during his various phases, and
is now being bandied about by Amram Mitzna as his own slogan, in his
current attempt to pull a Nixon and re-establish his hegemony over the
rump Labor Party.

Except for one thing. As early as Rabin's era as Prime Minister, I
argued that the REAL mantra of the Labor Party under Oslo is this:

"We will fight for peace as if there is no terrorism, and we will
fight terrorism as if there is no terrorism."

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