Monday, February 21, 2011

The Moslems and Arabs who will be speaking at the J Street Conference

(Open the web page for hyperlinks to sources and quotes)

Monday, February 21, 2011
Moslems and Arabs who will Attend the "J Street" Event

New Banner for J-Street?

"J Street" is the leftist radical anti-Israel lobby group funded by
George Soros and others who hope it will neutralize AIPAC.

In a few days it will be holding a large shindig in Washington, DC.
They are calling it "Give Voice to your Values." (Get it? The Zionists
do not let critics of Israel have a voice!)

We thought you might want to get to know some of those "voices" who
will be speaking there:

* Suhail Khan, and Islamic radical, often proclaimed incorrectly as a
moderate, who has consorted with and praised the Muslim Bortherhood.
See this, this, and this

* Imam Feisel Abdul Rauf, the radical pro-jihad Islamofascist
anti-Christian Imam from the proposed Ground Zero Mosque. See sample
statements of his here.

* Maen Rashid Areikat, PLO terrorist and its "representative" in
Washington, DC. Has been jailed by Israel for terrorism. Defender of
anti-Semitic bigotry (see this)

* Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish, whose daughters were killed in the crossfire
when Gaza terrorists opened fire, inlcuding with RPGs and missiles, at
Israeli troops. See this. He sued Israel for returning fire at
terrorists when his daughters were killed. He did not sue the Hamas.

* Imam Yahya Hendi, a chaplain at Georgetown University, is the
closest thing around to a moderate Moslem. He has spoken out against
terrorism. Just how that makes him a bona fide lobbyist for this
radical group funded by George Soros is unclear. (A true moderate
would refuse to attend!)

* Mustafa Barghouti, anti-Israel "activist," arrested by Israel
several times for involvement in terrorism, leader in the Boycott
Israel movement

* Amjad Atallah, legal advisor to Chief PLO Terrorist Mahmud Abbas,
propagandist and apologist for the Hamas – see this, in which he
falsely claims Hamas accepts the existence of Israel.

* Nadia Bilbassy Charters, "journalist" for the pro-jihad Al-Arabiya
news service

* Mona Eltahawy - Arab anti-Israel blogger. See this. See her
Israel-bashing quotes here.

Does the "J" in "J Street" really stand for jihad?

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