Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Leftist anti-Semitic Boycotter of Israel Boycotts the Boycott Campaign of the Leftist anti-Israel Boycotters at Tel Aviv University

Leftist anti-Semitic Boycotter of Israel Boycotts the Boycott
Campaign of the Leftist anti-Israel Boycotters at Tel Aviv University


Ahhh, only in Israel. Ahhh, only with self-hating Jewish
anti-Semites and their gallicfascist friends.

It seems that one of Israel's far-leftist pseudo-academics tried
to invite the anti-Israel communist French "political philosopher" to
Israel to help her peddle her pro-Palestinian wares. But, alas, he
turned her down and refused to come to Israel to bash Israel because
he was honoring the Boycott Israel movement. Isn't anti-Semitism so
confusing, sometimes?

The Israeli would-be hostess of the anti-Semite is none other than
Ariella Azoulay. She has been in the news a bit the past few years
because she failed to get tenure at Bar Ilan University, and the
academic fifth column in Israel whined that it was all a dark
right-wing conspiracy. Of course the reason she did not get tenure is
that she has an empty academic record. She is nothing but an
anti-Israel propagandist. Her entire "career" has consisted of
churning out tendentious collections of anti-Israel photographs,
edited and arranged in order to demonize Israel. Not exactly
scholarship. See this:
and http://isracampus.org.il/third%20level%20pages/Editorial%20-%20Steve%20Plaut%20-%20Israeli%20Tenured%20Taliban.htm

Actually, the truth is that the only reason Azoulay got hired at
any academic institution in the first place is that she is the wife of
rabidly anti-Israel "philosophy" professor Adi Ophir from Tel Aviv
University. Ophir and wife are a team of regular Israel bashers (see
), After getting canned by Bar Ilan, Ariella's hubby got her some
sort of job at Tel Aviv University, although not anything
tenure-track. And they have been churning out their anti-Israel hate
propaganda together in bliss ever since. Ophir is probably best known
for his role in organizing and leading the "Israel Apartheid Week"
Nuremberg rallies in the UK. Here is a review of typical Ophir
pabulum: http://isracampus.org.il/Extra%20Files/IsraCampus.Org%20-%20Seth%20Frantzman%20-%20Power%20of%20Inclusive%20Exclusion%20book%20review.pdf

Ariella's most recent initiative was to try to host the rabid
anti-Israel communist French "political philosopher" Jacques Rancière
in Israel. He is essentially a groupie of Islamist terrorism. See
him rant on the Neo-Nazi web magazine Counterpunch here:
http://www.counterpunch.org/2002/04/30/prisoners-of-the-infinite/ If
you have a strong stomach you can read some of his ravings here:
http://www.egs.edu/faculty/jacques-ranciere/quotes/ His main
"academic achievement" is he wrote some commentary on the unreadable
rants and the ignorant pseudo-economics of Karl Marx in "Das Kapital."

Ranciere had been scheduled to lecture at Tel Aviv University on
Jan. 25, 2012. But while Ariella tried to get him to come to Israel,
the terrorists from the Pacbi.org "Boycott, Divest" group
(http://www.pacbi.org/etemplate.php?id=1793 ) called upon Ranciere to
stay home. Rancid Ranciere then announced through some other
terrorist web sites (like
) that he would stay home. Leaving his anti-Israel hosts at Tel Aviv
University high and dry. By the way, there is a marvelous parody of
the Pacbi.org web site, located at Pacbi.com. Please stop in!

Now we should all be grateful for the Pacbi.org terrorists for
persuading the gallic-garbage Ranciere to stay home. Surely he can
find some cars and stores that need torching and some infidels who
need lynching closer to his home in the Paris suburbs!

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