Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Chassidic stories about turkeys, I guess the most famous being the one
by Rabbi Nachman of Uman (and before that Bratslov) about the prince
who thinks he is a hindik (turkey). It can be read here:
(reprinted below)
. But I prefer the story of the Jewish merchant who takes his
turkey to the market town to sell and there he sees someone selling
rare tropical parakeets for 500 rubles each. "I tell you what," says
the Jewish merchant, "I will sell you my turkey for 5000 rubles."
"Are you nuts," responds the parakeet seller, "Turkeys go in the
market for two and a half rubles each." "Yes, but mine weighs at
least 50 times more than the parakeets you are selling for 500
rubles." "True," responds the parakeet seller, "But my birds know how
to sing such sweet songs." "So what," says the Jewish merchant, "My
turkey thinks such wonderful thoughts." It is a story I tell to any
student who complains to me that he really knew the correct answers
but just did not express them properly in the exam.
The Turkey Prince Rises From Under The Table
Rabbi Nahman said: once a king's son went crazy [in his madness he
thought] that he was a bird that is called Hindik, that is a turkey.
And [therefore the king's son thought that he] should settle naked
under the table and drag (peck) pieces of bread and bones like a
Hindik. All the doctors despaired of helping him and healing him. The
King was very pained, until a wise man came and said: I accept upon
myself to heal him.
[What did the wise man do?] He also stripped naked and sat under the
table with the king's son, and also dragged (pecked) crumbs and bones.
The king's son asked him: Who are you and what are you doing here?
He replied: And what are you doing here?
He (the king's son) said : I am a Hindik.
He (the wise man) said: I am also a Hindik.
So they both sat together like that for some time, until they got
accustomed to each other.
Then the wise man motioned and they threw them shirts, and the wise
man the Hindik said to the king's son: You think that a Hinkik can't
go with a shirt? It is possible to wear a shirt and still be a Hindik.
And they both put on shirts.
And a little while later (the wise man) motioned and they threw them
pants, and he (the wise man) told him (the king's son): You think that
with pants it isn't possible to be a Hindik? So they put on the pants,
and so with all the other clothing.
Afterwords (the wise man) motioned and they threw them regular food
from the table, and he (the wise man) said to him (the king's son):
You think that by eating good food one stops being a Hindik? It is
possible to eat and also be a Hindik. So they ate.
Afterwords he (the wise man) said to him (the king's son): You think
that a Hindik has to be specifically under the table? It is possible
to be a Hindik and be (sit) next to the table.
And so (the wise man) dealt with him (the king's son) until he healed
him completely.
(I have long wondered if everyone in Israel is not an insane prince
behaving outwardly like a sane person but secretly believing he is a
hindik!! -- SP)
2. Among the Hitlerjugend:
http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4219636,00.html and
3. BGU's Dynamic Duo of Deconstruction collaborate in Fraud and Pseudo-History
The lies of Oren Yiftachel are true because liar Neve Gordon agrees
with them, or is it the reverse?
It seems that the defense ministers acted according to a premeditated
plan whose practical purpose was to annex the whole area to Israel,
"clean" of Arabs, to create a corridor from Be'er Sheva to the Jewish
settlement Kiryat Arba, the same area that appears on maps the Israeli
delegation presented to Palestinians during the Camp David peace
4. LA area residents - you may want to attend this: