Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Bruno vs. Fatima

1.  The University of Haifa, where I am employed, is often referred to in Israel as the Arab University of Haifa, the Arab analogue to the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.  In a number of ways, such as in affirmative action practices in hiring and admissions, Jews are second-class citizens at the University.


Today the President of the University of Haifa, Amos Shapira, sent out a special email message to all faculty and students on the campus.  The message wishes all Moslem students and faculty members a Happy Ramadan and an "easy fast."  You can see it below.

An identical message was sent out (in different colors) by the University of Haifa Arab-Jewish Center.

There are just a few minor problems with all this.  The message is sent out less than a week before the Ninth of Av, yet makes no mention of the Jewish fast on that day nor does it contain any greeting or wishes for Jews with regard to the Ninth.  The inclusion of the wish for an "easy fast" is particularly Orwellian, since this is not at all a traditional Moslem greeting or wish but a Jewish one.  This is not the first such case of Ramadan greetings being sent out by the same official who does not have any special wishes for Jews regarding the Ninth.  And if I am not mistaken, no "easy fast" message has ever been sent out to campus Jews before Yom Kippur either.



I have long suggested that the Arab-Jewish Center at the University change its name to the Arab Center, since it clearly has no interest in Jews.


If you would like to ask Shapira why University of Haifa Jews are undeserving of any greeting for THEIR fast day, write to

President of the University of Haifa
Mr. Amos Shapira
University of Haifa
Mt Carmel, 31905 Haifa Israel
Tel: 972-4-8240101
Fax: 972-4-8288110
E-mail:     president@univ.haifa.ac.il



2.  The past few weeks the Middle East has just been becoming a happier and happier place.  We of course have the Egyptian military turning the Muslim Bro-hood into pothole putty.  But we also have the Syrian opposition demolishing the Hezb'Allah.  Today's large car bomb in Beirut is just the latest case of the Hezb'Allah terrorists getting their comeuppance from the Syrian opposition after the Hezb's rallied to support the Asad junta against the opposition.  It is now estimated that the number of Hezb'Allah terrorhoids killed in the Syrian civil war and its Lebanese collateral events is LARGER than the number killed by Israel in the last Lebanese War.  That of course is a disgrace for ISRAEL but certainly is a reason to celebrate.  And let's not hear any complaining about how we should not rejoice in the annihilation of this vermin.  The wisest of men said:

And in the downfall of the wicked there is joy!

--- Proverbs 11: 10

So I wonder when the ISM or International Solidarity Movement will be sending its people as human shields to defend the Hezb'Allah terrorists?  Will they be joined by faculty members from Ben Gurion University?



3.  Ok, this is not the BIGGEST scandal in Israel's leftist media, but it is certainly one of the funnier ones.   It concerns Yediot Ahronot, which likes to claim to be the daily newspaper with the greatest circulation.  Actually the freebie Israel Hayom has a larger daily readership.  In addition, newspaper readership in Israel is dropping to the floor faster than Bill Clinton's gotkes thanks to the internet.  In any case, Yediot tries to compete with Haaretz for the title of the most uncompromisingly leftwing propaganda instrument in Israel.


   A few days ago Yediot ran a news story about what was supposed to be the world's first Bedouin female standup comic, named Fatima.  Yediot claimed she was one of four wives of a Bedouin man, and she herself had given birth to 17 children.  The story listed the village where she lives. 


   Yediot was too lazy to check the story out or even google Fatima's persona.  Turns out she is a Jewish woman from Ramat Gan named Gila Zimmerman (no relation to the victim on trial in Florida).  She does a shtick called Fatima the Bedouin.


    I used to think that the scenes in the movie "Bruno" with Sacha Baron Cohen (Borat), where he interviews a Palestinian and Israeli leftist who were unaware that it was all a goof, were the funniest example of media imbecility one could find.  In the interview Cohen kept referring to the Palestinians as Pakistanis.  See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0iZf3U6rlNI and also

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/thr-esq/david-letterman-sacha-baron-cohen-bruno-lawsuit--352162 and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmXuQOZd_qE )


    So where is Bruno-Borat now that we really need him to "out" the imbeciles who publish Yediot Ahronot?

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