Sunday, April 27, 2014

Holocaust Remembrance Day at Haaretz



Holocaust Remembrance Day at Haaretz, the Palestinian newspaper printed in Hebrew:


Haaretz April 26, 2014 runs an Op-Ed article by one Omri Ben Yehuda, a doctoral candidate at the Hebrew University (in "comparative Jewish literature," whatever that is) and a radical homosexual anti-Israel activist.   There he writes, inter alia:


'When we compare the Holocaust to other events, we not only abandon our posturing as the eternal victim but even more importantly enter the stance as humans, as people required to think, choose and make determinations.  … When the Jew ceases to be ONLY a Jew, becoming partly a Turk, partly an Arab, and even sometimes a Nazi, he himself as a Jew becomes a participant.  Moreover, many researchers have noted in recent years the comparability between traumas in a multi-cultural society, in which there is also room for the Holocaust of the Jews, such as by comparing it with the Holocaust of black people in America and the Holocaust of the Arabs in 1948.  The proper role of the genocide of the Jews is not to dismiss the Holocausts of other peoples but rather to cope with the connections to those Holocausts…'


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