Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Prison Honey, or the Victory for the Orange



1.  This is just marvelous:  https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/t1.0-9/1800462_459141467548902_62297641_n.jpg



2.  If anyone thinks, following the Olmert conviction, that municipal corruption in Israel is limited to Jerusalem and is not to be found in, say, Tel Aviv and Haifa,  well then think again!



3.   I hope Ehud Olmert will be forced to wear a bright orange jump suit in prison.  It would be the ultimate symbolic victory for the "oranges" (slang term in Israel for the religious Zionists and settlers).  Orange is the new black for the yakking hack.  I expect Olmert to become the prison honey for Moshe Katzav.

Ehud:  http://www.jewishpress.com/indepth/opinions/olmerts-banana-republic-boat-song/2014/03/31/ 

4.  The Israeli Minister of Education Shai Piron is proposing to change the regulatory and budgeting mechanism for Israeli universities.  Making it more accountable.  And ending the situation where the universities themselves appoint the people who comprise the commission that hands out the funds to the same universities.

The universities are all screaming that this will produce "politicization" of higher education in Israel.  I know you think that my reporting this is an April Fool's prank, but that is really what the universities are saying, no doubt giving an all new meaning to the term Orwellian. 


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