Monday, June 08, 2015
A Letter to a Moderate Leftist Israeli
1. Dear "moderate" Israeli Leftists. So you only want the world to boycott "settlements" and settlement policy but not the rest of Israel, or so you say?
Only one little problem. The democratically-elected government of Israel built and maintains these "settlements" so when you boycott them you are boycotting the decisions of the democratic government of all of Israel and you are boycotting the Israeli electorate. Making all of Israel a demonized pariah. The existence of the "settlements" represents the will of the Israeli electorate.
But have no fear. Your BDS friends suffer from no such delusions. They do not seek to boycott only "settlements," or rather they see all of Israel as one big settlement that must be annihilated.
When BDSholes speak about "occupation," they do not mean the West Bank. They mean Haifa and Tel Aviv.
Hope that is clear to you now. Don't say you did not know.
2. The guy in black is boycotting Israel as part of the BDS campaign because Israel is not moral enough of a regime:
3. Am I the only one who thinks that Bojo Herzog looks astonishingly like Norman Bates from the Bates Motel?
4. Everyone must be told:
5. What happens when you do not enforce the anti-treason law: