Monday, February 14, 2011

Hamas week at Sapir College in the Negev




1.  You will be happy to hear that starting today, and for the next 4 days, Sapir College in Israel's Negev is to be converted into a massive lobby on behalf of the Hamas.   Ironically, Sapir is located in the Negev town of Sderot, and has itself been hit by Hamas rockets.  In fact, at least one Sapir students was killed by the barrages. 


The full story on the Hamasization of Sapir can be read here.


The initiative for this comes from a Sapir lecturer named Julia Chaitin.


Here is an excerpt from the article:


'Among the organizations raising the ire of the Legal Forum for the Land of Israel are Zochrot ("Remembering" ), the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, and Physicians for Human Rights-Israel. Zochrot is described on its website as "a group of Israeli citizens working to raise awareness of the Nakba, the Palestinian catastrophe of 1948."


'In a letter to Education Minister Gideon Sa'ar, Knesset Education, Culture and Sports Committee Chairman Zevulun Orlev, local government heads and Sapir College itself, the forum opposed a state-funded college holding "one-sided political conferences at the leftist edge of the Israeli ideological spectrum" without permitting the participation of "balancing figures."'


If you would like to tell the head of Sapir what you think of this, contact Prof. Uri Regev at fax 972-8- 6899412


If you have an opinion about Sapir getting any Israeli taxpayer funding in the future, tell the Minister of Education, Gideon Saar, at fax 972 -2-5602246 and email

Or use this form:



2.  As you know, I have for years been leading those who condemn the loony Lori Lobby.  I am referring to the lobby of American Jewish liberals to support and excuse the Maoist terrorist Lori Berenson, now held in a Peruvian prison.  See these as examples:  and  and .  Lori was released from prison last year on parole and within days was back in jail after meeting with terrorists and violating her parole.


   Well, compare the loud lunacy of the Lori Lobby to the strange silence of the assimilationist liberal (asslib) leadership of the American Jewish community regarding the persecution of Allen Gross by the Cuban regime.  Allen Gross is an American Jew now under arrest in Cuba for "espionage," after bringing a shipment of computers into Cuba for use by Cuba's small Jewish community.  See this for the full story:   Here is the Castros' own version of events:  Gross has been held in Cuba's gulag prison since being arrested in December, 2009. Raul Castro himself is leading the crusade against Gross:


     The liberal Jewish establishment in the United States has been thunderously quiet about all this (while even Obama himself has denounced the Castros for holding Gross).  The Washington Jewish Week is one of the few Jewish institutions that has been active in protesting the persecution of Gross.  See


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